12.8.2012 | 20:55
Stjörnufyrirtækin (svo!) og háskólarnir
Í skýrslu frá árinu 2009, sem var gerð af nefnd skipaðri erlendum sérfræðingum, er þessi kafli:
Perception of government by some of Icelands star companies
Various studies point towards the excellent general framework conditions for innova-tion in Iceland. However, it seems that the perception in the "field" is different. As a result of our company visits, we conclude that there is a widespread perception that the government does little to facilitate industrial development and competitiveness. The innovative and competitive companies visited, pointed out that they expected, and still expect, the government to be more active in approaching these companies to see what support can be provided (direct or indirect) to better deal with the effects of the economic crisis. They have indicated to us that they perceive a lack of real interest from government authorities.
It is clearly important for a government to have a good relationship with the private sector, and particularly "star" companies, during difficult economic times. It is essential to maintain a strong private sector in Iceland and to ensure local employment. Companies expect good and stable framework conditions that involve good logistical/ICT infrastructure, availability of well-educated human resources, and a good and taxation friendly investment climate.
Iceland may wish to consider following the example of other small countries that ef-fectively have designated "account managers" in government for key established firms and gazelles who take responsibility for day to day contact with particular firms and act as the interface with government.
Who are these star companies?
"Various studies point towards the excellent general framework conditions for innovation in Iceland." Plain wrong!
Haukur Kristinsson 12.8.2012 kl. 21:45
I do not think they are mentioned in the report; I could not find it. But there is a program for the committee in the report.
Ingólfur Ásgeir Jóhannesson, 13.8.2012 kl. 13:28
"It is clearly important for a government to have a good relationship with the private sector, and particularly "star" companies, during difficult economic times."
"Nonsense". Ályktanir "erlendra sérfræðinga" í svona málum eru oft einskis virði.
Haukur Kristinsson 13.8.2012 kl. 19:55
Why not? - Ekki að ég sé talsmaður skýrslunnar eða höfundanna. Stundum er gests augað glöggt, en hér eru það forsendur skýrslunnar sem ég spyr spurninga um ...
Ingólfur Ásgeir Jóhannesson, 14.8.2012 kl. 19:08
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.