Bloggfærslur mánaðarins, september 2013
27.9.2013 | 21:19
Hvernig birtist heterosexismi í íslenskum framhaldsskólum?
Í dag birtist þessi grein okkar Jóns Ingvars Kjarans í Journal of LGBT Youth; hún er ein af doktorsgreinunum hans. Ágripið hljóðar svo:
"How does institutionalized heterosexism manifest itself in Icelandic
upper secondary schools and how do lesbian, gay, bisexual, and
transgender (LGBT) students respond to these manifestations? In
addressing these questions, interviews were conducted with six current
and former LGBT upper secondary school students, using queer
theory and thematic analysis. It is argued that institutionalized heterosexism
prevails in the structure and culture of the schools under
investigation, although to varying degrees. LGBT youth experienced
institutionalized heterosexism daily in their dealings with faculty
and fellow students. The LGBT students who were interviewed responded
to the oppressive nature of institutionalized heterosexism
in various ways. Some tried to resist the system actively while others
did so more subtly. In general, their stories can be interpreted as
having destabilizing effects on the heterosexual system."
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24.9.2013 | 20:59
Children's Outdoor Environment in Icelandic Educational Policy
Út er komin greinin Children's Outdoor Environment in Icelandic Educational Policy eftir okkur Kristínu Norðdahl. Hún er aðalhöfundur greinarinnar sem er rituð sem liður í doktorsnámi hennar. Ágrip er svohljóðandi: The aim of this study is to investigate what characterizes the discourse on the role of the outdoor environment in young children's learning in educational policy documents in Iceland. Policy documents, laws and regulations, national curriculum guides for pre- and compulsory school levels, and documents from municipalities were analyzed. A six-step approach to discourse analysis was utilized. The main findings are that the outdoor environment is not highlighted in these documents, but is rather seen as a benefit to children's learning, health, and play and the fostering of children's positive environmental attitudes. Two types of contradictions were found: Silence about the outdoors versus emphasis on it, and discussion on risk versus learning opportunities.
Greinin er birt í tímaritinu Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. Hana má nálgast á vef tímaritsins en eins og er eingöngu gegn gjaldi nema höfundum sé sendur tölvupóstur og beðið um eintak.
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