30.4.2013 | 19:02
Ástralskir lćrdómar af sjálfbćrnimenntun í framhaldsskóla
Bill Thomas, ţróunarstjóri framhaldsskóla: Lćrdómar af sjálfbćrnimenntun í Bentley-framhaldskólanum í Melbourne
Tími: 15. maí 2013 kl. kl. 1516:30
Stađur: Háskóli Íslands húsnćđi Menntavísindasviđs viđ Stakkahlíđ stofa K208. Málstofan er á vegum Rannsóknarstofu um ţróun skólastarfs. Kynning verđur flutt á ensku en fyrirspurnir frá áheyrendum verđa túlkađar ef óskađ er eftir.
Kynnt verđur sólar- og vindorkuframleiđsla Bentley-skólans, ţróun endurheimtar á votlendi og skógi í ţéttbýli á skólalóđinni, setur frumbyggjamenningar og vatnssparnađarkerfi sem leiddi til 91% minni vatnsnotkunar.
Bill Thomas er á ferđalagi um Norđurlöndin til ađ kynna sér sjálfbćrnimenntun. Hann hefur hlotiđ margvíslegar viđurkenningu fyrir störf sín ađ sjálfbćrnimenntun.
Information in English:
Seminar with Bill Thomas, Head of Sustainable Practices: Sustainability Education at Bentleigh Secondary College in Melbourne, Australia: Lessons to learn University of Iceland School of Education Stakkahlíđ Stofa K208 - May 15 at 15:00-16:30
Among projects that will be presented are Solar and Wind installations, the development of a constructed Wetland and Urban Forest within the college grounds, the newly completed Meditation and Indigenous Cultural Centre, and water saving initiatives resulting in a 91%reduction in use. Bill Thomas has been a member of the teaching staff at Bentleigh Secondary College since 1985, and now the Head of Sustainable practices at the school. His work has been recognized in the 2011 Queens Birthday Honours List where he was awarded the Public Service Medal for outstanding public service and exceptional contribution as a leader in sustainability education. In 2011 he was awarded the Prime Ministers Environmentalist of the Year and received the 2012 United Nations of Australia World Environment Day Individual Award for Outstanding Service to the Environment. He currently in Iceland on a Winston Churchill Fellowship and will travel to Finland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Ireland.
Bćta viđ athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hćgt ađ skrifa athugasemdir viđ fćrsluna, ţar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liđin.