27.1.2011 | 12:55
Fylgjum fjármagninu: Skipulagsbreytingar í dönskum háskólum
Áhugaverđur fyrirlestur ţann 28. janúar kl. 10.15-11.30 í stofu H-206 í húsnćđi Menntavísindasviđs viđ Stakkahlíđ - gengiđ inn frá HáteigsvegiRebeccaBoden, prófessor viđ Cardiff-háskóla í Wales, flytur fyrirlestur í bođi Rannsóknarstofu um menntastjórnun, nýsköpun og mat á skólastarfi og Menntavísindasviđs Háskóla Íslands. Háskólamenntun hefur tekiđ gagngerum skipulagsbreytingum síđustu 25 ár. Ţessar breytingar einkennast afaukinni áherslu á markađsvćđingu, samkeppni, fjármögnun og viđskipti. Háskólar hafa orđiđ líkari markađsfyrirtćkjum og nýtt sér stjórnunar-og viđskiptahugmyndir atvinnulífsins. Vísbendingar eru um ađ ţótt England hafi veriđ taliđ í fararbroddi í ţessum efnum,sé ţróunin í Danmörku á sama veg.Í fyrirlestrinum verđur ţróunin í dönskum háskólum rakin og kynntar niđurstöđur rannsóknar sem ber heitiđ Fylgjum fjármagninu og er unnin fyrir Dansk Magisterforeningí samstarfi viđ SusanWright, prófessor viđ DPU (Danmarks PćdagogiskeUniversitet). Í rannsókninni er gerđ grein fyrir ástćđum ţess ađ aukiđ fjármagn til danskra háskóla hefur ekki skilađ sér hlutfallslega til kennslu og rannsókna. Rannsóknin sýnir aukinn kostnađ viđ stjórnun og hér er ţađ rakiđ til breyttrar hugmyndafrćđi og skipulags í háskólunum. Í lok fyrirlestrarins er lagt mat á hversu skynsamleg ţessi ţróun er og hver gćti veriđ önnur og sjálfbćrari leiđ í ţróun háskólastigsins.Fyrir okkur hér á landi er áhugavert ađ heyra af ţessum rannsóknum og velta fyrir okkurhvortbreytingarnar í Danmörku séu á einhvern hátt hliđstćđar breytingum á íslenskum háskólum.Fyrirlesturinn er fluttur á ensku. Allir velkomnir.
Follow the Money: Organisational reform in Danish universities
Higher education has been in a global tumult of organisational reform for the last 25 years. These changes are characterised by increased marketisation, commercialisation, financialisation and commodification of universities. As universities have become more business-like, so they have adopted the managerial and financial tools and techniques of business. Evidence suggests that, whilst the UK was in the vanguard of these trends, Denmark is now keenly following this reform agenda. This paper charts the reform process in Denmark and presents the results of a recent study undertaken with Susan Wright for Dansk Magisterforening (the Danish academics trade union) entitled Follow the Money. This study explored the reasons why significant recent increases in Danish universities income had not apparently translated into commensurate increases in teaching and research funding. The study found, rather, significant increases in the cost of management and this paper argues that this is the result of the ideological and organisational reforms to which Denmark had been subject. The paper concludes by considering both the wisdom of this reform trajectory and the prospects for an alternative (and more sustainable) future for higher education."
The weblink to the Dansk Magisterforening report is:
Follow the Money: Organisational reform in Danish universities
Higher education has been in a global tumult of organisational reform for the last 25 years. These changes are characterised by increased marketisation, commercialisation, financialisation and commodification of universities. As universities have become more business-like, so they have adopted the managerial and financial tools and techniques of business. Evidence suggests that, whilst the UK was in the vanguard of these trends, Denmark is now keenly following this reform agenda. This paper charts the reform process in Denmark and presents the results of a recent study undertaken with Susan Wright for Dansk Magisterforening (the Danish academics trade union) entitled Follow the Money. This study explored the reasons why significant recent increases in Danish universities income had not apparently translated into commensurate increases in teaching and research funding. The study found, rather, significant increases in the cost of management and this paper argues that this is the result of the ideological and organisational reforms to which Denmark had been subject. The paper concludes by considering both the wisdom of this reform trajectory and the prospects for an alternative (and more sustainable) future for higher education."
The weblink to the Dansk Magisterforening report is:
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