Sterkir og sjálfstćđir einstaklingar sem lćra meira á skemmri tíma

Efniskynning greinarinnar ‘‘Strong, Independent, Able to Learn More . . .’’: Inclusion and the construction of school students in Iceland as diagnosable subjects eftir Ingólf Ásgeir Jóhannesson: This paper deals with the way the vision of including children with special educational needs into their home school, constituted for instance in UNESCO’s The Salamanca Statement and Framework on Special Needs Education , has merged with other contemporary discourses (ideas and practices) in Icelandic education. In particular, the paper focuses on the historical conjuncture of inclusion politics, individualism, a technological approach to education, and market ideology and practices in Icelandic education. These approaches are analysed as discursive patterns of legitimating principles functioning in Icelandic education at the beginning of the twenty-first century.  (Discourse: studies in the cultural politics of education Vol. 27, No. 1, March 2006, pp. 103119.)

Titill greinarinnar er tekinn úr menntastefnu Björns Bjarnasonar sem birtist í ritinu Enn betri skóla. Í hnotskurn var sú stefna sjö liđir og í ţeim fólst ađ börn ćttu ađ verđa sjálfstćđir og sterkir og sterkir einstaklingar sem lćra meira á skemmri tíma, öđlast tungumálaţekkingu á heimsmćlikvarđa og fá öfluga greiningu á sérţörfum. Ađ ógleymdu einhverju um tölvur og upplýsingatćkni. (Liđirnir sjö eru síterađir hér eftir minni; hćgt er ađ flettaritinu upp á síđu menntamálaráđuneytisins.)

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